
Body Structure of Flatworms (Platyhelminthes)

STRUCTURE OF THE BODY Worms (Platyhelminthes)

flatworms (Platyhelminthes) have diverse body sizes. The size can be microscopic to macroscopic with a length of 20 m as in the Taenia solium worm. flatworms (Platyhelminthes) have a body that is bilateral symmetry ie the body can be divided into two equal parts through a central plane.

flatworms (Platyhelminthes) are worms that are tripoblastic aselomata, which are organisms that have 3 embryonic layers (ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm) and aselomata which means they do not have a body cavity. Mesoderm in flat worms (platyhelminthes) does not experience specialization so that the cells remain uniform and do not form special cells.

The digestive system of flatworms (platyhelminthes) is a gastrovascular system, namely the circulation of food not through the blood but through the intestine. The digestive system starts from the mouth, pharynx, and then the esophagus. In addition, this worm does not have an anus, so the remaining food is released by mouth. The nervous system is a nervous system of rope ladders. In high-level flat worms (platyhelminthes) the nervous system is composed of neuron cells which are then subdivided into sensory nerve cells, motor nerve cells and association cells (intermediaries).

picture  Body Structure of the Platyhelmintes


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