
Class of Turbellaria (Vibrating Hair Worms)

Class of Turbellaria (vibrating hair worms)

Turbellaria or also called vibrating hair worm is a class of members of invertebrates included in the phylum of the Platyhelmintes. One example of Turbellaria is Planaria sp. These worms are carnivorous and can be found in waters, puddles, ponds or rivers. Usually these worms attach to the rock or in waterlogged leaves. Some Turbellaria do choppy movements to swim in the water.
Turbellaria (vibrating haired worm) has cilia on the surface of the body that function as a means of movement. The front (anterior) body shape of the Planaria sp is triangular and there are a pair of eye spots. The eye spot serves as a differentiator between dark and light conditions. Planaria sp also has a smell that is called auricle. This auricle is used Planaria sp when searching for food.

                                                                     Fig. Body Structure of Planaria sp


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